E-CPA: Remote Work Is Here To Stay

Like it or not, remote work is here to stay – so, you might as well like it! The age of work-life “balance”, which implies separation, is over; now, it is about how your work and life integrate. This involves revisiting the way we measure productivity, and how we...

E-CPA: The One KPI to Rule Them All

Do you know what the most important KPI that accounting firms should be tracking is? A lot of people think it is billable hours, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, this KPI relies on you NOT using a billable hour system for charging clients! Learn...

MOI: Gig Economy Concerns

The gig economy continues to be a growing part of our industry, but have you thought through some of the security and liability concerns with utilizing contractors and third parties? Especially when it comes to handling sensitive data, as us CPAs and accountants...

E-CPA: Value Pricing

Are you still billing by the hour? While this may have worked in the past, it is becoming an increasingly frustrating, and decreasingly relevant pricing standard. If you aren’t familiar with value pricing, now is the time to learn. It’s not just a matter...