TurboTax is GREAT!

I know what you’re thinking… “wait, what?! Aren’t you a CPA!?” Yes. And that is why we love TurboTax. With #taxseason now behind us for a little bit, we can take the chance to reflect on the last year, but also think about the #future moving forward. What TurboTax does is filter out basic clients and sets the bar higher for what we as CPAs can offer. Let’s face it, we don’t want to be bogged down doing basic tax returns that pay us well below our hourly value – so let those folks use TurboTax.

Where the real opportunity lies, is in offering more – offering what TurboTax cannot; and that is a custom, #proactive, and #advisory minded consulting service. Don’t get us wrong – tax returns will always be a part of what we do; however, as the filing of them becomes a commodity, the value that #accountants and CPAs can add is going to be in delivering exceptional client service that is actually adding value to their lives or their business.

If you want to learn more about becoming an Entrepreneurial CPA, check out the rest of The E-CPA Show series, and reach out to @garrettwagner37 to see if you might be a good fit for the Entrepreneurial CPA coaching program. Sometimes, all it takes is a little accountability and nudge from a coach to help push you from where you are, to where you want to be.