by Joe Brunsman | Aug 18, 2021 | Masters of Innovation
It’s time for Part 2 of the Dirty Dozen, which contains the 3 Personal Information Scams from the IRS list of the 12 most popular scams of the year. During this mini-series, each week our innovation master goes through these and lets you know what you need to watch...
by Joe Brunsman | Jul 7, 2021 | Masters of Innovation, Recommended
Do you think there will be a massive data breach on an accounting firm via vendor software in the upcoming two years? Our master of all things cybersecurity and liability, Joe Brunsman, thinks so! It won’t be a major player – they’re too secure; however, it’s very...
by Joe Brunsman | May 31, 2021 | Masters of Innovation
In early 2020, the U.S. Government Data was breached by hackers in an absolute master class of cyber-hackery. Many people outside the realm of technology or governmental business did not hear about it, but it created widespread impact. While there is little that can...
by Joe Brunsman | May 11, 2021 | Masters of Innovation, Recommended
Technology is rapidly changing, and while there are many benefits to this, there are also more dangers! The ‘bad guys’ are getting better at adapting and taking advantage of new technology, so it is important that firm owners for themselves and their...
by EvolveNow | Mar 5, 2021 | Masters of Innovation, Recommended
The gig economy continues to be a growing part of our industry, but have you thought through some of the security and liability concerns with utilizing contractors and third parties? Especially when it comes to handling sensitive data, as us CPAs and accountants...